Meccano Erector Set
Construction--Meccano Metal Set
Don't forget to log your progress every day.
1. Your artifacts for this project at least two pictures (from different angles) and a video of any/each creation that can be moved or move.
Project Information:
There is not a set number of items to build. How many builds you complete will be based on how complicated the structure is.
If this is the first time working on the Meccano set, you will build at least a simple structure/contraption following a premade set of instructions.
If you have experience with the kit, you may build your own creation instead of creating something from the book.
You will be creating one or a series of contraptions/structures with the Meccano Metal set.
You may work from either of the instruction booklets in the kit or any only instructions listed on the Meccano site or by other individuals.
You are expected to work the entire project. If you complete your project early, take pictures/videos of the 1st completion. Then complete a second project or make modifications to your project.
You may spend a day at the beginning or end of the project organizing the supplies in the 2 containers.
You may use all your time on one intricate project or you may do several smaller items.
There is a motor available and Mrs. Pennington has replacement batteries for it.
Meccano Website with instructions and ideas for projects.