Elegoo Breadboard Engineering
Don't forget to log every day with specific details about what you planned or accomplished.
Goal: For this project, you will be creating your devices using the Elegoo Uno and Breadboards.
Artifacts: Pictures of the devices that you have created and well as videos of the them working.
Project Details to Know:
This is a project that I would suggest for my potential engineering students. I would suggest you do the project at least twice because there is a big learning curve. The first one is about how to use the resources. Then you can create more intricate devices.
You will need the Elegoo Super Starter Kit and a USB to USB extender so that you will be able to work on the computer comfortably.
You can will need to use a classroom computer so that you can have the IDE software which should already be loaded onto the computer. It may need to be updated.
Your Project Plan should include drawings/descriptions of the first device you wish to create as well as a brief explanation of how a breadboard works.
Your Choice Writing Link should be about tips for working with the Elegoo kit or a link to your first project idea.
We will need to download tutorial pdfs to your computer. Download from Elegoo You will find the zip file in the DOWNLOADS folder. You can access this by clicking on the file folder on the task bar at the bottom of the screen. When it opens the files on your computer, look on the left side of the window to find the DOWNLOADS folder. Open the downloads folder and look for the zipped folder. Open the folder to access the tutorials. The first few tutorials are listed below.
You will need to make sure that the computer that you are working on has the Arduino IDE software on it. You should be able to see the software on the desktop.
The downloaded files comes with a number of tutorials that will walk you through the process of building the electronic pieces and coding them to work. There are more tutorials on the disc than you can do in an Independent Project, so you can choose the tutorials you wish to work through.
1. Watch the the two videos below. They were not created by the company, but will give you background into the Elegoo kit and the breadboard.
Paul McWhorter--Unboxing the Super Starter Kit Click Here to Watch
Science Buddies--How to use a Breadboard Click Here to Watch
Below are where you can start watching project videos
Arduino Built in Examples--Use the Built In Code to explore how to use the Arduino and Code Click Here to Access
Arduino Project Hub (You can search projects by difficulty and topic!) Click Here to Access Hub
Elegoo Project Hub Video Tutorials Click Here to Access Video Tutorials
Paul McWhorter--Writing Your First Code Click Here to Watch
A Maybe Website for Project Ideas Click Here to Watch
PRoject Ideas from Arduino Click Here to Access Videos
6 Easy Elegoo Arduino Projects Click Here to Access Video
You can learn Arduino in 15 Minutes Click Here to Watch
2. Read and follow the PDF 2.1 about running an LED with the breadboard
3. Read and follow Blink and Add Libraries PDF 1.5 to make the LED light on the Arduino blink.
4. Choose the tutorials that you wish to complete and work through them following the PDF instructions.