Don't forget to log every day with specific details about what you planned or accomplished.
Goal: To draw one or more pictures.
Artifacts: The pencil sample work task, completed drawing(s), and photos of the drawings.
Project Details to Know:
You may create your drawings with ink, watercolor markers, charcoal, and/or pencil.
We have a wide variety of sizes of paper on which to draw. Most of the paper is on the shelves at the back of the room.
If you are completing a larger drawing, you can use one of the Masonite boards and tape your paper to it.
There is a green tacklebox which holds all of the drawing pencils and charcoal. There is also a container of babywipes which you can use to clean your hands if needed. Chlorox wipes are also available to clean your work space,
You will start your project creating a pencil sample that will help you understand what the different drawing tools can do.
There are many videos on this website and others online which you can use to learn new techniques for darwing.
Pencil Sample Instructions
A. Use a piece of sketchbook paper and create the following pencil techniques:
Long lines, short lines, dots, and side strokes Click here to see what the techniques look like
with each of the pencils/charcoal in the draw box. Label each technique with the pencil used.
Videos To Watch
Charcoal Instructions
Learn-To-Draw-Lessons.com Charcoal Video
Learn-To-Draw-Lesson.com Charcoal Tools Article
Videos To Watch
Charcoal Instructions
Learn-To-Draw-Lessons.com Charcoal Video
Learn-To-Draw-Lesson.com Charcoal Tools Article
Pencil Instructions
Learn-To-Draw-Lessons.com Pencil Video
Mixed Media
Learn-To-Draw Lessons.com--Negative Space
Learn-To-Draw-Lessons.com Composition Video
Learn-To-Draw-Lessons.com Perspective Video
Learn-To-Draw-Lessons.com Measuring Video