Don't forget to log every day.
Artifacts to create:
1. A journal of the activities that you complete during the project.
2. Worksheets that are completed during the project.
Step 1
You will begin this project by creating a log in to the BBC Language section. You are to use your classroom email, but create an age that is one month older than you are.
Log into BBC Languages--French.
Step 2
Review the USER GUIDE to explore what the project will entail. Add to your journal discussing the user guide and what you learned you will be doing.
Step 3
Explore the Guide to French. Make sure to review the French Language Facts (record what you learned), French Audio Phrases (record the phrases and their translation), and the French Alphabet (record your thoughts about the alphabet).
Step 4
Explore the Talking French. Record the words/phrases that were learned and their translations. Complete worksheets for the projects.