Don't forget to log every day with specific details about what you planned or accomplished.
Goal: To write your own poetry.
Artifacts: You will read and log 15 or more pieces of poetry from other authors. The log should include the piece name, author's name, and a rating of one to five with one being the lowest rating. You will also have the poetry that you write.
Project Details to Know
There is a Poetry Notebook created by Mrs. Pennington available on the Independent Project Bookshelf which you can use to analyze different types of poetry. You may also find your own poetry sources.
You will create a log on notebook paper or Google Doc. Create a log of 20+ pieces of poetry that you read from the book--include title, author and rating (1 star bad--5 star good).
In your plan writing, you should include your thoughts on some of the poetry that you read and your plans for your own poetry.
Create a portfolio of the poetry that you wrote.