Informational Research Paper
Don't forget to log every day with specific details about what you planned or accomplished.
Goal: To research a topic in which you have interest and write what you learned in a written paper.
Artifacts: See below
Steps to creating a successful research project
1. Topic--pick a topic you are interested in studying. The better you like the topic, the easier this will be. The goal of this project is to give you time to learn about a topic in which you are interested. If you pick a topic on which you already know a lot, then you should find a way to learn more.
2. Research Resources--Find 2 or more great resources for your information. They can be digital or books/videos in the library. When you find your resources, create a Google Doc in the T3 IP #2 Artifacts page. Put a hyperlink to your website and then describe why it would be a good quality website to use. Use the link below to help you with this.
3. Take Notes--Use the note cards provided by Mrs. Pennington to write down important information in your own words from your resources. Then use your note cards to write your paper. That will ensure that no plagiarism happens.
4. Plan--This is the time to plan out the order of your writing.
4. Write Your Paper--You will write a 600+ word paper about your topic that follows the 5 paragraph outline, although it can have more than five paragraphs. The paper should be written in your own words from your notecards.
5. Add a Bibliography--Use the tool Easybib to add an MLA bibliography to the end of your paper. It does not add to your word count.
Artifacts to Turn In
(digital items on IP Artifacts Page)
1. Your paper
500+ words--worth 125 points
An annotated bibliography--worth 10 points--This is an MLA style bibliography that includes a sentence or two about why the resource is a good one to use. (sample reasons could be: author is an expert, the website was created and hosted by a government agency, website was created and hosted by a national media outlet, etc.)
2. A Google Doc outline for your paper--worth 5 points
3. Your notecards--8+ cards--worth 10 points
Idea Links
Nova--Science Topic
Bibliography Tool
What Makes A Website a Good Quality One?--Columbia University Website
How to Write Good Notes--See Article Below
How to Write an Outline--See Article Below for a Sample Outline on Solar Energy
What is a 5 Paragraph Paper?--Good example of informational graphic
What does a MLA Bibliography Look LIke?--See Article Below