Lego Contraptions
Lego Mindstorm Contraptions
Don't forget to log your progress every day.
Artifacts: Pictures and videos of your creations--uploaded to classroom in the ARTIFACTS assignment. You should work on the project for the full 8 days. The number of contraptions created will depend on the intricacy of the contraptions.
Lego Mindstorms Idea Book--181 Simple Machines and Clever Contraptions
Lego Mindstorms Project Page Click Here
You need to check your computer for the software for the Lego Mindstorm to do the coding. If it is not on your computer, let Mrs. Pennington know so that we can update it. We will also try to see if we can utilize one of the tablets for coding the project. Some of the coding is already on the brick.
The brick is battery operated and Mrs. Pennington has replacement batteries.
The Clever Contraptions book has many smaller projects They are quicker builds and requires less coding. You can make smaller projects that run on simple codes. It could be a good way to learn how to make smaller contraptions if you are interested in later designing your own project.
It is likely that you may be able to do a different contraption each day.