Cross Stitch/Embroidery
Don't forget to log every day with specific details about what you planned or accomplished.
Goal: To create a cross stitched project.
Artifacts: The sewn project and a picture of the project uploaded to Google Classroom. You are expected to work on the project for the full 8 days. The number of pieces created will depend on the intricacy of the pieces.
Your Choice Writing link should be a resource (likely a video) that explains what cross stitch/embroidery is and how it works.
Your Project Plan should be a picture of the project that you are creating and a list of materials that you will need for the project.
Mrs. Pennington has a couple of small patterned cross stitched that are digital copies as well as project kits. They are on the shelf in the back of the room.
You may also find your own patterns that you wish to use.
We do have a medium size hoop, needles, and some embroidery thread to use for the cross stitch.
Hint--You may want to start with a smaller project to get the hang of how to do the stitches before moving to a larger, more complicated one.
Once you finish a project and upload it, you may take your project home.
You may be able to talk some during your project, but you should make sure that your talking does not get in the way of someone else completing their project.
There is additional embroidery yarn in the ART items box.