Build a Battery Powered Car
Don't forget to log every day with specific details about what you planned or accomplished.
Goal: To create a car that is powered by a 1.5 V motor and battery pack and can drive 6 feet in a straight line.
Artifacts: The car and pictures of the car and a video of it working.
Project Details to Know:
There is a box of wheels and axles that you can use to create your car.
Your car may be created out of any found items in the room. You may want to ask about materials other than cardboard and the wheels/axles.
There is a box with battery packs and motors. They may need to be soldered together. Mrs. Pennington had a soldering iron which you can use. If you solder, work on one of the hot glue boards to protect the tables from damage. There are extension cords which you can use to find a more comfortabl working area.
You should be able to access the on/off switch on the car easily.
Your Project Plan should include a drawing of how you plan to create your car and a list of materials that you will need for your car.
Your Project Choice writing link should be a link which shares information about hobby motors and how to get them to propel and item.
This project often creates a mess on the floor. Please make sure to check the floor daily below your working area and use the carpet sweeper to clean up any debris that is created during the project.
The straight line can be on the table or the floor.
If you have time remaining after completing your car, you may create a second version of the car or spend time making your car look aesthetically pleasing.