Sign Language
Sign Language
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Artifacts: Set of notecard flashcards and videos of you signing as per instructions below
Step 1
Materials: Notecards
Watch the following Ted Talk: Ted Talk "Opening Our Ears to the Deaf"
Make notes on 1 notecard with details from the Video.
Step 2
Use one of the resources below. The workbook series that we had is not longer in the same format. You will be responsible for determining which of the online resources you want to use.
Create a Google Doc with the words/phrases that you are using and a URL link to a video that shares that information. This will create an answer key you can refer to and will make your life a little easier as you practice.
You will use notecards to create flashcards to use to practice the signs alone or with your partner. You can use the Google Doc to double check any signs.
Step 3
Make 5 quick videos to upload to the Artifacts Section
Write out what you will sign on a piece of paper
Start the video and hold up the sign to the camera
Put down the sign and then use sign language to sign the message
Additional Resources