Don't forget to log every day with specific details about what you planned or accomplished.
Goal: For this project, you will be creating individual cartoon strips, individual cartoon single panels, or a comic book.
Artifacts: Scanned images of your project.
Details to Know:
There are a few books on the project shelf that instruct how to draw cartoon characters.
I have Extra Fine Sharpie markers and cardstock on the shelf behind my desk.
The watercolor markers would be available for this project if you wish to make your comics in color.
It is expected that you create a rough draft and final copy of your project. It is suggested that you have a classmate read your rough draft to make sure that the story of your comic can be understood by others.
Your story and characters should be classroom appropriate with no violence.
Your Project Plan should include a very brief storyboard overview of your plan for your comic.
The link for your choice writing should be a page about how the steps in creating a comic.
1. 2 full page panels or 2 pages of comic strips--can be in color or black and white.
Expectations for Hand-Drawn Comics
1. Rough/1st draft panels should be shown to Mrs. Pennington.
2. Final drafts can be completed over first drafts or can be another copy altogether.
3. Images should tell a story.
(They can either be a series of strip stories or a single character in a single scene on each page)
4. Final drafts of should be completed with black marker and/or color. Watercolors or color pencils are suggested.
Expectations for Digital Drawn Comics
1. Printable to a single page
2. Use SumoPaint or Publisher to draw your images.
3. Images should tell a story
(They can either be a series of strip stories or a single character in a single scene on each page.)